Design Studio Support
I have extensive experience working in design studio support with a number of advertising and marketing agencies, web development houses and in-house design departments in Suffolk, East Anglia and London. You can use my services as either an artworker, designer or lead creative depending on the role required. I can act as studio cover for a designer who is on holiday or away sick. During busy periods, I’m often brought in to spend time in agencies to help with their workloads. I have experience in as head of department so am able to take on more a senior role when needed.
Every studio has their own way of working. I fit in seamlessly, understanding your filing systems, artworking practices and the people within your organisation who need to be informed of ongoing projects. It’s important that I’m able to design with an understanding of existing creative styles. I can quickly digest previous projects and assimilate myself with an in-house style or a creative approach favoured by a particular client.
Understanding your way or working
Not only is it important to provide a good creative input, it is also important to be able to mirror existing studio practices. Naming of files, project numbers, document reference numbers are all in place to make a studio function well and I quickly master any technical requirements. Excellent time management and recording make it easy to bill the correct projects.
Working with your people
Drawing on my many years experience with agencies, I can quickly interpret a brief and identify and questions we need to clarify. I can work closely with Account Handling teams and empathise with the pressure they are under. I can communicate effectively and give the Account Handler solutions which they can feel confident to feed back their client. Being able to look ahead and work with the client service teams to minimise any snagging leads to a successful outcome.

Experience counts
My time within agencies also makes it easy for me to identify potential issues. All agencies go about their day differently, but creativity and accuracy are common for all. Completing a task on time is paramount so any help I can provide in making that easier is always welcome. This can be in a variety of ways such as identifying ways of setting files up to make it quicker to process or understanding lead times in order to manage the expectations of the client.
With my own equipment I am able to fit into a studio without the need for them to supply additional resources.
I also have additional skills. I understand the digital world such website design and search engine optimisation. I’ve used most CMS systems and can code so will be able to work alongside digital teams.
I’m also quite happy to speak to your clients as one your creative team. This can be simple artwork queries or I even help as part of a project team delivering a new business pitch.
I have expert knowledge of the Adobe Creative Cloud:
After Effects
Premier Pro
Animate (Formally Flash)
Plus QuarkXpress…
I can also work in:
Contact me about my design studio support
Get in touch to discuss how I can offer support for your design studio or be on standby when needed. Contact me now or follow me on Twitter.