Freelance website design
There are many ways to approach a freelance website design project. As an experienced designer I’m comfortable fitting into any project as either an adviser, designer or project manager. As a website designer, my strength is in the planning and the design of the website. With my knowledge of HTML/CSS I develop smaller sites or work alongside internal or external website developers for larger projects. These can range from simple single HTML pages, WordPress websites through to bespoke CMS websites. I help manage developers to make sure the functionality of the site adheres to the very latest standards.
Website Development for Care Development East. View the case study here >
Website design project for Norwich Firework Shop. View the case study here >
Website design project for Legastat. View the case study here >
Every freelance website design project should start with a period of research. Why are you looking to develop a website? What do you do well? What do your competitors do well? I’m able to out together a comprehensive study of not only your site, market but also other relevant websites. From this we can start to buold a picture of what your site will look like and how it will function.
Information Architecture
My work includes going back to basics and understanding a clients information architecture and how the site should function. I’m able to talk to people in way which gets the best out of them and produce a brief which all can identify with. Using staff interviews, speaking to your customers and using background research I help prioritise your content and help focus your efforts. During this process we will find opportunities which we can exploit and drop bad practice and any legacy content which is no longer relevant.
I help produce a series of sitemaps and wireframes which communicate these ideas. Doing this before any design has taken place helps limit the emotion and an subjective aspects of the project. That way the site is built from a solid foundation of critical thinking.
Website Design
I work closely with my clients to ensure they have a quality, great looking, technically proficient and sustainable website. With a background in brand management I understand the importance of a website as a principle communication tool. I understand SEO and will design a website taking these principles on board.
The website design must take into account the people that are using it. I have extensive experience working alongside businesses as they develop their online presence so understand the pressures this can put on the company or marketing department. I will design the website taking this into consideration making sure the site will not include any news or interaction that will not be taken ownership of.
Website design project for the Maly IT. View the case study here >
Website design project for the Care Sector Recruitment Agency. View the case study here >
Website design project for Supercar Hire Experts. View the case study here >
Website design project for the Pignut. View the case study here >
Website design project for the Care Sector Recruitment Agency. View the case study here >
Website Project Management
There are many ways in which a freelance website designer can fit in with a website design project. Some clients use me just to design the website based on their own research and information. If they have an established brand they will often have a clear idea of what they require. Others however feel websites are out of their comfort zone and need help navigating the often baffling world of website design. For these clients I take a more hands on approach and either become part of a website development team or become project lead advising the business on how to deliver their new website project. I’m happy to work on site or lead meetings depending on the level of involvement needed.
Website Training
As part of my role in freelance website design I offer various onsite training sessions. Off the shelf Content Management Systems (CMS) such as WordPress are great, but come with a plethora of options which can easily confuse. I make sure clients are comfortable using these systems and suggest ways to make adding new content as simple as possible. I also training clients on using any bespoke CMS systems we have developed. As these can be tailored to each client I will carefully observe how people interact with them and suggest tweaks to streamline the process.
If you have a freelance website design project you need an experienced website designer to be part of, contact me and I’ll happily discuss how best to go about it.